About Pixel Addict

Pixel Addict - the digital culture magazine for classic computing and retro gaming enthusiasts! Pixel Addict will take you back to the era of dial-up modems, floppy disks and dot matrix printers as we reflect on the history of personal computing and its legacy today. Each issue will focus on the cultural impact of home computing with hardware profiles, interviews, vintage software and game reviews. Whether it's the Apple II, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 or MS-DOS; Pixel Addict will share in your love of pioneering digital technology.

The magazine is printed in full-colour A4, and is available in print and digital download versions. We aim to provide a fun, engaging magazine to reflect the current vintage computing and retro gaming scene.


(Please contact us if you are interested in submitting a letter, news story or article for Pixel Addict Magazine. Advertising space is also still available for any computer or retro-related businesses.)

Pixel Addict magazine overview

  • Each magazine issue is approx 60 pages, in full-size A4 and full colour!
  • The magazine has a classic computing community focus, with monthly interviews, new and retro game/software reviews - and a look at vintage hardware too.
  • We also include readers' letters, computer clubs, stories and news coverage.
  • Our focus is on legacy technology, whether servers, on the desktop, portable or even music and on TV.
  • Pixel Addict is an essential read for every type of geek interested in the evolution and history of technology.

This is our online shop and ordering portal, for further information about the magazine visit:

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